Past Musings

blog, recipes, videos Robin Rose Bennett blog, recipes, videos Robin Rose Bennett

Birch to Beat the Heat

Plants inspire me to be present, to stay grounded, and to give thanks for whatever I am currently experiencing. Last week, on one particularly hot day, I was inspired (by my plant-friends, no doubt) to make myself a refreshing drink of pineapple juice and black birch twig infusion. It is so cooling for the body and tastes incredible!

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blog, videos Robin Rose Bennett blog, videos Robin Rose Bennett

Valentine's Day and Lupercalia!

There is an older pagan holiday that predates this one and which more openly celebrated sexual heat than flowery romance. But it was ultimately turned into the Hallmark holiday that some enjoy and others dread. Some feel left out and lonely or judge themselves as “less-than” for being solo, others feel the pressure to “be romantic” on cue, and buy overpriced gifts, overbred roses, and lots of chocolate to prove their love…

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recipes, videos Robin Rose Bennett recipes, videos Robin Rose Bennett

Big Little Herbal Tips: Tulsi

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum (syn. O. tenuiflorum) - Also known as tulsi or tulasi, this herbaceous plant grows happily as a perennial in zones 10 and up. This delightfully aromatic plant is in the mint (Lamiaceae) family and thus related to sweet basil, spearmint, peppermint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, and lavender to name a few…

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Big Little Herbal Tips: Goldenrod

Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) - The bright yellow spires of Goldenrod flowers hearkens the coming of fall. These beautiful edible golden blossoms provide a lovely color for natural fabric dyeing…

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Big Little Herbal Tips: Stone root

Stone root (Collinsonia canadensis) - Nicknames: Hard Rock, Horse Weed, Knob Root, Heal All, Rich Weed, Clergyman’s friend. All parts used, root/rhizome internally and externally; roots, leaves and flowers externally only…

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Big Little Herbal Tips: Pokeweed

Poke (Phytolacca americana): A little goes a long way! - Also called poke, pokeweed, skoke, pocan, coakum, pokeberry, crowberry, bear-grape, pigeonberry, inkberry, American Spinach, cancer root, American nightshade, and jalap…

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Big Little Herbal Tips: Chaste tree berry

Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) - Also called Chaste tree berry, chasteberry, vitex, and monk's pepper. In the Lamiaceae or mint family, this beautiful flowering shrub is a well-known herb for supporting a woman’s cycles. It is native to the Mediterranean region and has over 2,000 years of recorded use…

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Big Little Herbal Tips: St. J’s (Hypericum androsaemum)

St. J’s Wort (Hypericum androsaemum) - Also called Tutsan, Shrubby St. John's Wort, and sweet-amber. Widely known for its ability to help mild-to-moderate depression, this beautiful ally also offers the gifts of skin protection, pain relief and nerve repair and is a potent antiviral…

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