Plant Spirit Summit: The Gift of Healing Herbs

Plants are such loving beings of service. And in particular with everything that’s happened over the past year in the context of bigger planetary changes, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the plants are asking to connect more in reciprocity and offer more of their multidimensional healing gifts for all who are genuinely interested with an open heart.

They hold up such a powerful mirror for how we can be fully present, full of light, and also so resilient in these times of great change on the planet. I’m so in awe and grateful for how much they continue to love and support us as humans. 

I was joined by a wide variety of speakers who will be sharing about their direct experience with Nature consciousness and who the plants really are, how they're helping us in such an incredible way, and how we can continue to cultivate a deeper relationship with them.

There's still time to get the all access pass. Click HERE!


Green Witch Wisdom - Herbal & Earth Spirit Teachings for personal, social and planetary Healing


The Happiness Summit 2.0