Past Musings
Travelling the Wheel of Time
We have traveled full circle around the solar Wheel of the Year,
Samhain Greetings and Special Rituals
The veils are growing thinner every moment as Samhain grows nearer; they are parting to open portals between the worlds.
Between Autumn Equinox and Samhain
Is it just me or are the veils thinning a bit earlier each year? It seems so and makes sense, too…
Birch to Beat the Heat
Plants inspire me to be present, to stay grounded, and to give thanks for whatever I am currently experiencing. Last week, on one particularly hot day, I was inspired (by my plant-friends, no doubt) to make myself a refreshing drink of pineapple juice and black birch twig infusion. It is so cooling for the body and tastes incredible!
Tick Tock, it's Tick-O'Clock!
Tick season has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere! If you’ve ever had a run-in with this pesky bug, you know full well the worries and anxieties that accompany their painful (and dangerous) bites. According to the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control, it is thought that a tick has to be embedded for thirty-six to forty-eight hours before it can transmit an infection such as Lyme disease, however they also says elsewhere on their site…
Veronica Officinalis
One of my favorite springtime(and lesser-known) plants: Veronica!I'd like to see this generous plant come back into more popular usage. It's one of the little-known, sort of forgotten herbs. There are thousands of species of Veronica, including Veronica officinalis, also known as Speedwell. The species designation "officinalis" refers to a plant that has been an officially recognized medicine in the U.S. Or British pharmacopeia…
Celebrate and Explore Mother Earth
Happy Earth Day! Wait… did you say Earth Day was last Friday? My friends, every day is Earth day! Consider this your call to join in a local clean up or beautification day in your town! You can Google search “town cleanup near me” or check Earth Day’s interactive map where you can join a cleanup event or plan one of your own. There’s truly nothing like coming together as a community and giving back to the Earth. Think of it like a spa day for Mama Earth! Keep reading for pics…
Mind and Body Mantra
When you find yourself tripping over random objects and bumping into the furniture, it’s time to bring your mind and body back together. Rushing ahead mentally, or being stuck in thoughts of the past can lead to minor accidents and more serious calamities. The body is a wonderful teacher of presence…
Celebrate Spring and Spring Greens!
It’s time for wild food!! The first nettles and garlic mustards of the year are up here and I love to put them in my eggs for a spring tonic wake up call! Eating wild greens is good for everything (but be certain of your identification). All wild greens are vitamin and mineral rich (to various degrees) and provide excellent sources of calcium