Lunar Eclipse & Choices
What a powerhouse of a time this is.
The veils are still thin… Ancestors and Future generations are “standing by” ready to help whenever we ask… Nature is always ready… And we are part of Nature…
It is time to Re-Member ourselves!
Under this full moon lunar eclipse, as we in the U.S. have the precious opportunity to cast votes for our present and future…
May disrespect, disconnection and
the destruction they lead to be eclipsed!
Do you feel the motion? Not only aswirl in every possible direction we can go, but also like a seesaw …
Up and down. Up and Down. Up and Down.
Which way will we choose to go?
Shall we rise toward life and the rebirth of compassion, or continue to careen in a downward spiral of disconnection and death?
They matter.
They are ours to make.
They are empowering.
They can feel frightening.
Not choosing is making a choice too.
When it all feels too much, please remember:
There Is Much Good Medicine in a Cup of Tea
“The simplest things in life, like a kind word at just the right moment, are often the most deeply meaningful and transformative. In the same way, simple remedies often work best, even in the most complicated of situations.”
—From A Green Witch’s Pocket Book of Wisdom, soon-to-be-published
From the creative power of the individual to the magnified potential of a collective, it all comes down to our choices. And our choices often come down to our world view. And is one’s world view a matter of choice? I believe that by a certain point in our lives, it is, or at the very least can become so.
From my earliest days as a spiritual student of two exceptional teachers, Jim & June Spencer…
I came to know that the Universe will always show me that whatever I believe in is true; we co-create life. If one person believes people are intrinsically good and kind, and another knows for an absolute fact that people are innately selfish and corrupt, the Universe has no trouble at all reflecting back diametrically opposed truths. That is why we can be so divided— both inside ourselves (thinking, “I deserve better” in one breath and “I deserve nothing” in the next)— and outside, fighting with one another as citizens of this country and of this beautiful world.
Now we are in a potent moment in this shifting time of evolutionary chaos. Many feel it is too late.
Despair is rampant.
But remember, the Universe is always oriented toward Beauty, the acorn is innately imprinted with the instructions to become a majestic oak tree…
It is as the discoverers of DNA, the double helix of life said, after so many failed experiments, “We knew we’d finally found it, because it was too BEAUTIFUL not to be it".
What shall we choose to give our supportive energy to, magically and through our actions, such as voting, or how we treat the cashier at the convenience store? We can believe in and support the continuation of power-over others as the way the world works, with us being either the dominator or dominated (a lose-lose situation despite appearances to the contrary), or we can choose, again and again, moment by moment to cooperate with “Nature’s guiding, evolutionary genius.” (phrase coined by Caroline Casey, astrologer)
Let us choose peaceful empowerment and empowered peace, in recognition and respect for the kinship of all life— what we do to another (person, place, water, soil, animal, insect, etc.) we do to ourselves.
We are ONE in diverse forms.
Let us reject/eclipse the delusionary message of the bumper sticker I saw the other day that said: God, Guns and Guts made America great.
I wrote a haiku to offer an alternative world view of kinship, and as a magical invocation for the election, since I believe all transformation happens from our imagination directed in concert with our actions:
Love Wins
Good relations
Green Blessings
Use your magic and your vote.
Envision the world you want to live in and what you want for your great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren.
Nourish yourself with whole foods to feed your resilience, and with herbs like nettles. Give thanks for what you receive and for what you have the opportunity to grow & share. Burn herbs like Artemisia to help free your authentic, wild self!
~*~ Blessed Be ~*~
A Simple Spell
Put the following dried herbs into a fire-proof dish:
Artemisia… for wild wisdom
Lavender… for calm sweetness
Roses… for healing love
A sprinkle of powdered Cinnamon… for spicy feistiness
Light the herbs and waft their blessings to those around you. Call upon the Goddess (or your divinity of choice) to help empower you to stand up for what you love and for us to come together and rise up singing and dancing our Joy.
Here is a chant I wrote that can also be spoken. I'll record this and let you know when and where I've posted it so you can sing it with me and in your own circles.