Travelling the Wheel of Time
We have traveled full circle around the solar Wheel of the Year, most recently walking through the mysterious gate that opens at the Cross-Quarter Day we commonly call Halloween, and that witches know as Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced SOW-WANE).
We honored death itself, crucial to Life’s cycles of transformation. We enacted rituals of releasing what no longer serves us, burning the old to make way for the new, and spent time remembering those we love who have passed.
The Circle becomes a Spiral as one thing expands and becomes another
Death leads to rebirth. As the plants die back to the earth, annuals drop their seeds into the soil and biennial and perennial plants gather nutrients to store in their roots over the winter.
Everyone is making themselves ready for their own rebirth.
This brings us to Winter Solstice!
In the depths of darkness...
new life is sparked and conceived.
What is conceived at Solstice, pulses underground through the dark months, quickening when the light begins to change noticeably at Imbolc (aka Groundhog Day) until rising up from the ground to be born at Spring Equinox!
Winter Solstice
12.21.22 from 7-8:30pm
A Ritual Celebration with Robin Rose Bennett
& Friends
We’ll gather in a Sacred Circle
of the 4 elements and 7 directions.
We’ll move our bodies then journey inside ourselves to find and name
what spark is waiting
to be called forth from within.
We’ll each light a candle to symbolize our unique journey of awakening sparking to life.
We will engage
in an ancient Fire Ceremony
for the Health of our Planetary Family.
Come gather together in a sacred circle of personal awakening and community empowerment as we intentionally fan the flames of the sparks of new life that are waiting for our love, attention, and personal and community actions.
Let’s Sing
the World we know is Possible
into being!
Looking forward into 2023, I will be one of the Keynote Speakers, along with Linda Black Elk & Reverend Judith Laxer.
May 26th, 27th & 28th in Almond, Wisconsin.
Below is a delicious recipe, shared by Maria Falce, Coordinator of the MWHC & Founder of Kindred Root.
Immunity Wassail
Traditionally, wassail is a spiced cider or mulled wine consumed during holiday festivities, including caroling.
This Immunity Wassail is a great idea to serve at all of your holiday gatherings. Not only is it delicious, but it has the added gift of supporting your immune health.
Who doesn’t need that these days?
1 gallon local apple cider
1-2 cinnamon sticks (or 1 mounded Tbsp of cinnamon chips)
Seeds from 1 pomegranate
½ cup fresh cranberries
1/2 cup dried elderberries
4-5 slices fresh ginger
¼ c dried rosehips
10 grams Astragalus root
2-4 slices organic orange
1 tsp cardamom pods
4 whole cloves
1 tsp whole allspice
Place all ingredients into a stock pot and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to a medium simmer, cover with a lid & decoct for 30 mins.
Allow it to cool for 1 hour, then strain.
To serve, reheat & transfer hot wassail to a crockpot set to warm and allow all of your guests to enjoy a nice cup of warm immunity wassail while visiting!
This recipe is deliciously forgiving. Don’t have Astragalus but you have Reishi? Substitute part for part. Don’t have a pomegranate? No worries! Leave it out. Want to add a handful of white pine needles?? Yes! Do it!
Have fun with it and be well!
* For an added touch, float fresh orange slices and cranberries in the crock pot.