'Tis the Season

Tis The Season

Crisp, cold days and long, starry nights,

Full moon sparkling on snow,

Inviting quiet reflection

Each flake a uniquely faceted diamond crystal

The scents of deep green fill the air, stately hemlock, balsam

fir, blue spruce and white pine.

The Tree of Life, Evergreen, predates the Christmas tree,

the living symbol of the winter season.

Nature whispers to

us all that there are ongoing cycles of birth, life, death, and

rebirth and we are part of Nature’s transformations.

The greatest gift, winter’s wonderland, is found in the

wonderment of the present, the eternal now.

The present is Presence, full aliveness and celebration of

Love — of self, friends, and family digging what a treasure

life is, not to be hoarded, nor squandered, but to be

unwrapped and lived, here and now.

White Pine Glycerite

White pine needles and twigs

Vegetable glycerin

Pint jar (glass)

A chopstick

Finely chop 2 cups of fresh white pine needles and nick

open and cut up the small twigs. Inhale the fragrance of

the “tree of peace” as you fill a pint jar to just below the

top with the pine needles and twigs and cover them with

vegetable glycerin. Poke them with a chopstick to make

sure the plant material is completely saturated. Wait 4-

6 weeks for maximum taste and potency, but feel free to

try a little within a few days if you can’t wait, and then top

the preparation up with a bit more glycerin. Sit the jar on a

saucer since it is likely to leak even if tightly capped.

This sweet, syrupy preparation is not only healing to the

respiratory system, it is a divinely delicious celebration

of the season. It can be drizzled over plain yogurt, fruit,

ice cream or pancakes. It can be stirred into hot water or

mullein leaf or other herbal teas, or added to hot chocolate.


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