Thyme To Think About New Ways to Stay Healthy This Winter

New blog post up on the New York Open Center Website!

"A healthy immune system is like healthy soil in a garden. It is the ground of your being, and when well it has the ability to fend off pathogens so that you don’t succumb to every virus, bacteria, or pathogenic microbe that passes by or even enters into you. It is a remarkably intelligent system that, in addition to its innate abilities, acquires new knowledge through experience. It learns how to identify, tag and neutralize or destroy foreign presences. Your combined internal defenses collectively known as your immune system know how to tell the difference between self and not-self, to know whom and what to eat, engulf, and/or render inert, one way or another."

Read the full post here:


Herbal Love Medicine: Love, Sex, and Food


'Tis the Season