Big Little Herbal Tip: Stewed Apples Recipe

Stewed Apples 🍎 

1 medium-size apple—any sweet red variety, or green or sour if you prefer

½ inch of cool water in saucepan

½ teaspoon cinnamon, or to taste (optional)

1 tablespoon almond or other nut butter (optional; see below)

Peel the apple, cut it up into small chunks, and place it in a saucepan with water. Cook on a low to medium flame until the apple is completely soft. Sprinkle or stir in the cinnamon if you want to make the dish more warming. Serve as is. 

A dash of turmeric and/or ginger could also be added, to taste. Other warming digestive spices such as cumin, coriander, or cardamom can be used for variety, too. 

If you are consuming this as a regular part of your diet to help maintain blood-sugar levels, add nuts or seeds so that the quick sugar energy provided by the apple will be even more sustained. One nice way to do this is to add a tablespoon of almond or other nut butter to the stewed apple recipe, or to oatmeal with apples cooked into it. 

Though you do lose some nutrients by peeling, I suggest removing the peel in digestive-upset cases, when you want to make the apple easier to digest. Eat it slowly, eating only as much as you can comfortably stomach.

This recipe will settle most digestive upsets quickly, including those brought about by spoiled food. However, do not attempt to stop diarrhea or vomiting prematurely if something rotten was eaten. Trust the body’s wisdom to get out what’s poisoning it, and replenish your body afterward. Stewed apples will work with your body’s rhythm and wisdom.

🌟 (excerpt from the "The Gift of Healing Herbs") 


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