A Special Apprenticeship Announcement +Winter Wellness with Elderberry Elixir

A Three-Month Program with Certification by the NY Open Center


Hello Friends!

It's been so hard to keep this secret!
Now I can finally share all the details on
My upcoming Online Apprenticeship:

Every Wednesday from 7-9pm EST
February 16 - May 18, 2022

An Online Apprenticeship in
🌎 Herbal Medicine and Earth Rituals 🌍


This is deep training, an apprenticeship in attuning to the spirit of nature, and thus, to your authentic Self with the help of common plants. We will learn effective remedies for familiar complaints ranging from belly aches to anxiety and Robin Rose Bennett will share favorite recipes that feature commonly available herbs.

The primary aim and focus of this training is to help us restore our kinship with the Earth with the help of herbal medicine and simple yet profound rituals. We will experience the phases of the moon and their importance and effect on us and the plants, as we all move from the dark of winter into the light of spring. We will cultivate the health of our whole selves- mind, body, heart, and soul. This work is essential as we are living in evolutionary times.

Cost is $850 for the full 12 Sessions.
Special discount for my newsletter subscribers:
Use code: "EARTH" at checkout for $75 off!

For more information on what the weekly series includes and to REGISTER, check out the official page.


Healing ourselves leads to
healing our families and communities,
and to the real possibility of healing our world.


From the official page on Open Center:

"In this course, open to beginners as well as seasoned practitioners who may wish to explore this spiritual way of working with herbs, you will learn much about healing yourself as well as about herbal medicine. Restoring our sense of kinship with the Earth is the thread that spins together our work. Respect for the plants is non-negotiable. It leads to ever-deepening self-knowledge and self-respect. We will incorporate music, meditation with plants, and ritual into our evenings together.

Robin Rose will be reviewing medicine-making from soup to syrup to powders, and you will be able to join along with her in making the preparations or getting them started. There will be recommended reading, and suggested assignments. You will have opportunities to compare notes with other students during break-out sessions.

You will learn basics about the workings of several key body systems and how to support them. By the end of the course, you will have been introduced to accessible ways to make and safely use a variety of effective herbal preparations - medicinal teas and infusions, healing tinctures, herbal infused oils and vinegars, ointments, poultices, compresses, and baths.

We will work with the cycles of the moon and the seasons just as the plants do as we move from the dark of winter into the light of spring. Incorporating herbal medicine into your daily life truly changes your life for the better.

This training will provide you with a solid foundation, whether you choose to continue with your herbal studies or wish to incorporate herbal medicine into other healing modalities you practice."


Lovely Interview with Sarah Kirton
On MysticMag's website! 🔮

Take a Walk on the Wild Side - Robin Rose Bennett

"I didn’t really realize that I had an affinity with plants until I got involved with herbal medicine and started taking an interest in healing myself. However, having said this, I am not sure how true it is as I have the deepest and fondest memories of being a very small child and loving the oak and willow trees in my backyard."

Read more on Mystic Mag's Website!

Magical vs. Delusional Thinking
Instagram Live with Pam Grossman on January 19, 8pm EST

Green Blessings and love,
Robin Rose


HOWLING WITH THE MOON - January's Wolf Moon is here to HOWL your Truth


Blessings of the Evergreens