Past Musings

articles, blog Robin Rose Bennett articles, blog Robin Rose Bennett

A Reflection on Reconnecting With the Earth

This essay speaks to the reality of our invisible and visible interconnection with one another and all life on the planet, with a focus on the plants and trees as healers who can awaken us to our authentic selves. It speaks to the necessity of reawakening our connection with the earth no matter where we live, city or country, to help us remember how to attune to and trust our own senses. It is an exploration of the need to reweave experiential wisdom as found and felt in our own bodies with our intellectual…

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articles, blog Robin Rose Bennett articles, blog Robin Rose Bennett

Let's Talk about Colds

What does your cold feel like? Do you feel hot and dry, stuffed up and separated from everything and everyone by thick mucus clogging your nose and limiting your sight and hearing? Or is your nose running copiously while you feel chilled and shivery? Treat yourself accordingly by taking care in choosing whether you want more or less warming, cooling, moistening, and/or drying. For example, if you are cold and have chest congestion with a wet, productive cough, you might want to use an infusion of ginger root…

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articles Robin Rose Bennett articles Robin Rose Bennett

Cinnamon to the Rescue

When I met a cinnamon tree in the tropics for the first time, I was so excited that I kissed it and gave it a big bear hug, much to the amusement of our guide...

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articles Robin Rose Bennett articles Robin Rose Bennett

Herbs for the Health of Our Bones

New article up on New York Spirit! "Herbal medicine is truly the people’s medicine and can be found right in our kitchens. The methods I use and teach are focused on preparing the plants in ways that help us to receive their healing gifts (vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and other constituents) as fully as possible and to do this in a low-tech way that anyone can do well. Also, recognizing that most of us feel over-committed, overloaded and tired, I know we need simple, easy ways to take care of ours...

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