Herbs for the Health of Our Bones

New article up on New York Spirit!

"Herbal medicine is truly the people’s medicine and can be found right in our kitchens. The methods I use and teach are focused on preparing the plants in ways that help us to receive their healing gifts (vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and other constituents) as fully as possible and to do this in a low-tech way that anyone can do well. Also, recognizing that most of us feel over-committed, overloaded and tired, I know we need simple, easy ways to take care of ourselves so that we will fit self-care into our lives. ...

In many ways, bone health relies on us ingesting and assimilating an abundance of minerals. Herbal infusions are simple to make and offer us an excellent way to get our bone nourishing minerals on a daily basis."

Read the full post here: http://www.nyspirit.com/uncategorized/herbs-for-the-health-of-our-bones/


Winter Solstice: Conceiving Rebirth


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