Past Musings

videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Big Little Herbal Tips: Motherwort

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) - Join me among my motherwort patch! The lion-hearted! She is heart easing, emotion soothing, anxiety reducing and provides relief for menstrual cramps…

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Plant Medicine Series: Motherwort

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is the lionhearted one. She is comforting, calming, and strengthening; brings courage; and works well with skullcap for shock. It is one of my most reliable remedies for anxiety, and of course, it is a common, abundant weed….

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Plant Medicine Series: Elecampane

Here's our newest video in the plant medicine series. We hope you enjoy learning a bit about elecampane, an herbal root medicine root that can come in very handy in this cold, cough, and flu season…

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Plant Medicine Series: Mullein

Mullein is one of my all time favorite herbs for healing the lungs and bronchia. Grief lodges in the lungs. Spiritually, mullein invites us to spiral into the earth to find our deep center of truth and to engage the power of the earth and add it to our own. Mullein also teaches us how to look far over the territory ahead to see what we are working for and walking toward....

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Plant Medicine Series: Elder

Here is the latest video in our plant medicine series, featuring the generosity of Elder (Sambucus nigra). Enjoy!! And do share...knowledge is empowering!...

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Plant Medicine Series: Red Raspberry

Summer is richly abundant with plant medicines! Here is the latest video in our plant medicine series, featuring the generosity of red raspberry. Every part of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) and her close relatives can be used in preparing food and medicine. Enjoy!! And do share...knowledge is empowering!...

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Plant Medicines Series: Coltsfoot

Here is the latest video in my wild plant medicine series! I hope you enjoy it and learn some valuable information about Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) leaves and flowers!...

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