Big Little Herbal Tips: Rose

Rose (Rosa spp.)
Lovely rose! She balances our hormones and strengthens our hearts.

Gather roses in their season. (Where I live, I gather rose flowers in June.) Fresh flowers can be gently pulled apart and then fill a glass jar of any size with them. Pour vegetable glycerin slowly over the herbs, poking them with a chopstick to ensure that all the petals get fully saturated. Filled to the top and cap and label your jar. Wait at least six weeks before decanting. Poor the viscous fluid through a cheesecloth strainer atop a sieve and then squeeze out the herbs in the cheesecloth as completely as possible, manually or with an herb press.

(excerpt from the "The Gift of Healing Herbs") 🌿

“I initially purchased this book as an addition to my herbalism library, thinking it would be a great reference book, but I literally ate up every page and read through it like a novel. Her combination of medicinal applications, real life stories, and spiritual experiences with the plants (along with beautiful illustrations!) made this the first 400+ page book that I read nearly cover to cover. Not to heady for the light reader, plenty of scientific facts for the skeptical, and fully engaging for those wishing to immerse themselves in all aspects of plant study. If you live in NY or New England, you'll find this book especially helpful as many of these herbs are probably growing in your backyard.” Christi J.

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Green blessings ~*~


Big Little Herbal Tips: Motherwort


A Golden Light In The Darkness