Big Little Herbal Tips: Red Clover

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
“Oh, darling Red Clover,
Who doesn't like you?
You're gorgeous and tasty
And lymph clearing too.

When it comes to hormones
That have gone astray,
I’d turn to Red Clover
On any old day… ”

(excerpt from the "The Gift of Healing Herbs") 🌿

This calming nervine and mood elevator, alkalinizes the blood, clears skin, strengthens lymph, hormonal support, nerve, bone, and joint health, digestion, and respiration and soothes a dry cough.

“This is the most phenomenal book and has helped so many find
wisdom and knowledge by helping to take healing back into our own hands. By learning the wise woman ways of old we realize we have plant medicine all around us growing in our own backyards and alleyways. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to learn more about plant medicine.” - Lynne M

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Green blessings ~*~ 🍀


A Golden Light In The Darkness


Spiritual Medicine For Evolutionary Times