Help yourself to Free (yet invaluable) Herbal Medicine Tips via online radio with me and Susun Weed, and in my new monthly Herbal Medicine column

FREE EVENT - September 3rd, 9:30PM EDT: I'll be talking live on internet radio with Susun Weed. The link to this show will be listed in my upcoming newsletter (sign up on my homepage  if you haven't already subscribed). Here's a taste of the topic:

It's no secret that we are living in "interesting" times, filled with challenges galore! Join Susun Weed and her guest, Robin Rose Bennett, for a lively conversation delving into the Wise Woman Ways that can help you to not only survive, but to thrive, as you develop the resiliency to meet the present with joy and vitality.

I'm also excited to announce my new monthly herbal column for New York Spirit magazine, now in an online format. You can read my latest column featuring blueberry medicine, here, and find the inaugural column, which is a NY Spirit interview with me exploring herbal medicine, spirituality, and more in the archives. These articles will contain practical herbal medicine tips, and thought-provoking discussions on how connecting with the innate intelligence of nature and plant medicines can help us transform our current paradigms of healing and living into more life-sustaining, joyful ways of being that change us personally, and than help us to bring healing to our communities and ultimately, the world. Here is the intro to the first interview:

How did you discover your path as an herbalist? I’ve always believed that everyone has a path that is theirs, and the central theme of that path can be walked in countless ways. My path is, in the broadest sense, the path of embodying what I know and joyfully teaching it to others. And the heart of my teaching is about recognizing and singing out the truth of the interconnectedness of all life, the oneness that reveals itself in multitudinous forms. Nature is the perfect mirror of this web of cooperation. When I was growing up in northern New Jersey, the “great outdoors” meant our backyard and the street out front where my brother and I played games with our friends. I didn’t yet know I was a “nature girl”, but I was tuned into spirit from an early age and embarked on my spiritual journey when I was a teenager. After some years along the way, though, I desired to find something that would ground that path more in day to day reality, and I was looking for answers to seemingly impossible-to-heal health problems that I was having, and that’s when I was introduced to herbal medicine for the first time. It offered me what I had been seeking. A few years later, in the mid 1980’s I began an herbal apprenticeship and have never looked back! I didn’t know that my mother’s mother had been a renowned herbalist in Brooklyn with people coming to see her from miles around until I’d already been an herbalist for over ten years. I was very excited to discover that!

To read the entire interview, go here:


Herbs for the Health of Our Bones


Happy Summer Solstice!