Motherwort and Your Heart

(Originally posted as a newsletter 6/30/20. If you are not signed up for my newsletters,signup here!


Hello Friends!

Summer is here! What a powerful alchemical Solstice season this is!

I hope you were able to join me for my online ritual, but if not,

there is still time to set your intentions for this dynamic time

and connect with the dreams of your heart.

Jump a candle and make a sacred summer wish!

Summer is the season of the heart, and our hearts are being called to

awaken to our oneness with each other.

One of my favorite plant medicines for the heart comes

from our lion-hearted healer Motherwort.

Her latin name, Leonurus cardiaca means just that -- "the lion hearted one".

She is in the mint family (Lamiaceae) but is a "bitter" and

therefore helps our digestion, too.

A great women's herb, as evidenced by her given name,

she helps bring profound relaxation to the womb and

is a superb ally for the heart --

physically, especially for regulating heart rhythms,

and is emotionally soothing to the heart and nervous system.

MOTHERWORT (Leonurus cardiaca)

"...You bring peace and soothe anxiety

afflicting heart, mind and womb,

And fill us with determination

So we won't give in to gloom."

Body: relaxes womb, helps female hormonal imbalances,

steadies a fast or irregular heartbeat, calms an over-active thyroid, relieves constipation.

Mind: induces calmness, eases anxiety.

Heart: soothes emotions -- turmoil, anger, frustration, grief, resentment, heartache.

Soul: invokes openness, acceptance, and peace.

(Excerpted from "The Gift of Healing Herbs" by Robin Rose Bennett)

Want to see some Motherwort in my wild gardens?

Come, visit MOTHERWORT with me!


Join me in my medicine wheel, if you like, as I recite this poem:


"What is possible may not be probable,

or even practical.

But as long as it's not impossible,

only unlikely,

It offers us a real option to aim for,

to work toward, to be dedicated to

And is worthy of devoting our time and energy,

our vision,

and our hours, minutes and seconds,

To bringing it into being,

Out beyond the dream realm

here and now,

Into material reality"

I've also been adding videos onto Instagram's IGTV


Let's endeavor to become ever more present in these evolutionary times,

in touch with our heart's dreams,

and ever more devoted to supporting each other.


Herbs, Ritual and Sacred Ceremony

Do you long to find ritual practices to help you become more centered in your authentic self?

Meaningful ritual is vital to our healing.

Join me in this series of 3 weekly classes through the NY Open Center.

Join me from anywhere on our beautiful planet.

Classes are recorded if the timing does not work for you.



(we will adapt to online if need be)

Herbal Magic Ritual Retreat

August 28 - 30

"Turn the World Around" - A Weekend of Spiritual Activism

Held at the beautiful, private Blueberry Point in West Milford, NJ

This weekend we will engage in activist ritual magic together,

focused on birthing healing and justice in our world.

We will strengthen ourselves in community and bring joy to our hearts,

which gives us the juice we need to be activists in our lives,

in our communities, and in our beloved world.

For more information, visit my website and email me.

Green Blessings and Love,

Robin Rose



Sunny Side of the Street


Summer Solstice Blessings!