Summer Solstice Blessings!

(Originally posted as a newsletter 6/18/20. If you are not signed up for my newsletters, signup here!

Hello Friends!

If there was ever a time to pay attention ... it is NOW.

Opportunity abounds. What is happening in our country

and around the world are not just "protests",

but are a world-wide uprising, and I am glad to be part of it.

What is rising? Compassion. Love. Equality. Justice. Clarity. Healing.

All Earth holidays are pivot points, times of power, when the gate swings open between the world of Spirit and the world of matter, opening pathways for personal and social transformation.

I suggest that you make Elder blossom infusion part of your rituals this weekend. Elder is a brilliant guide through the chaos of transformation, and offers us the guidance of our ancestors if we are humble enough to ask for their help.

(If you'd like even more information about Elder,

visit with me as I talk about her in my Plant Medicine Series)

This Solstice (Summer in the northern hemisphere/Winter in the southern hemisphere) is offering us a multi-dimensional portal. How fitting for the time we are in, as we are standing amid an uprising that is inviting us to cross the threshold of what was into what will be; together we can and must create the world we all know is possible, the world we long for, where compassion and respect inspire and guide how we treat one another and how we craft our social policies.

This solstice is aligned with some additional, powerful astrological influences, and I will mention a few of them, and leave the more complex astrology to the astrologers.

Our summer solstice at 5:44pm EDT coincides with a New Moon solar eclipse,

and the planet Mercury just turned retrograde, inviting us to

re-view, re-vamp, re-invent, revise, and renew.

What is working for you? What isn't? What is authentic to you? What isn't?

Leave behind what isn't really you and claim what is!

Everything in nature is supporting you to do so, and you can help your family and community best when you are truly being yourself, as that allows your

blessed gifts to come out into the light of day.

Please let your light shine. Now is not the time to hold back!

At Summer Solstice, when we are at the zenith of light, everything is illuminated.

This year the light is layered with shadow, as Mercury, the planet that guides perception appears to be traveling backward, and will ask you to review things that need your attention, and perhaps healing, and this eclipse, that is in the middle of a cycle of eclipses, opens and closes doors, definitively.

Summer Solstice brings the peak of the power of light -- an opportunity to cultivate your dreams and desires. Let this light empower your inner-strength, self-confidence, and courage; let it fire up your passion, ecstasy and joy.

Fire is the element most strongly associated with summer solstice and one of my favorite rituals is to leap over a bonfire, or a candle, solo, or in circle,

to make sacred summer wishes.

Nature is coming into lush abundance and so, too, can your intentions ...

call them forth with joy and then dedicate yourself to practicing them!

I invite you to join me on Solstice Saturday for a special event

(It will be available by recording afterward to all registrants):

"A Green Witch Approach to Herbal Medicine and Summer Solstice"

This class costs just $13 and will provide you with information, inspiration,

and an opportunity to welcome in the Summer Solstice

in a heart-centered ritual, together with like-minded folks.

Green blessings and warmth to you at this sacred moment in the world...


Herbs, Ritual and Sacred Ceremony

Do you long to find ritual practices to help you become more centered in your authentic self? Meaningful ritual is vital to our healing.

Join me in this series of 3 weekly classes through the NY Open Center.



(we will adapt to online if need be)

Herbal Magic Ritual Retreat

August 28 - 30

"Turn the World Around" - A Weekend of Spiritual Activism

Held at the beautiful, private Blueberry Point in West Milford, NJ

This weekend we will engage in activist ritual magic together,

focused on birthing healing and justice in our world.

We will strengthen ourselves in community and bring joy to our hearts,

which gives us the juice we need to be activists in our lives,

in our communities, and in our beloved world.

For more information, visit my website and email me.

Green Blessings and Love,

Robin Rose



Motherwort and Your Heart


Big Little Herbal Tips: Motherwort