Happy Samhain! Ritual suggestion and a recipe

(Originally posted as a newsletter 10/27/20. If you are not signed up for my newsletters, signup here!

The veils have thinned

Hello Dear Friends!

Do you find yourself dreaming or thinking more than usual of loved ones that have passed into Spirit? This is increasingly common at this time of year. I've had several dreams in the past week that my beloved parents are on their way to visit me.

And I'm sure they are.

The veils have thinned ... the separation between form and formlessness,

the liminal space between here and there,

this world and all worlds, is nearly nonexistent now.

This is the most magical time of the year, a portal offering us passage into death and rebirth, endings and beginnings, transformation and renewal.

This is Witch's New Year and Dia de los Muertos -

traditionally the time to honor your physical (and spiritual) ancestors.

It is also, most poignantly, the time to remember anyone

you love and wish to communicate with

who has passed into the world of Spirit in the past year.

Now it is easier to hear the voices of those

who have left their bodies and journeyed on.

We can also connect with the future generations who have yet to incarnate, welcoming those who are currently nestled in their mother's wombs and are soon to arrive here. Since we are at a world-wide tipping point, let us humbly seek counsel of those on their way Earthside in the future, who still have the perspective of being in Spirit, and are not yet mired in the drama of what I've been calling,

"The Evolutionary Chaos of Now".


A Few Ritual Suggestions

~ to be done solo or in a group ~

~ Light a Candle for your ancestors. Sit quietly and remember.

~ Meditate and choose something you feel ready to release. This may be an old habit of thought or action, an approach to relationships, a fear, or a judgment that is limiting you. Whatever it is, write it down on paper or traditional white birch bark and give it to the fire to symbolically let it go, whether to a bonfire, a fireplace, or simply a candle flame. This is an initiation of release and if you follow through, you will be helped.

~ Create a plate for your ancestors with food and drink that they enjoyed when they were alive. Leave it outside for them, or if that's not realistic for you, leave it by a window.

~ Ask your ancestors to visit you in dreams and in your meditations. Be open to the possibility that you may also be surprised by signs when you least expect them, by unexpected synchronous moments that happen over the next days and weeks. It is truly the most psychically potent, magical time of year.

~ Light a candle to symbolize lighting the way for future generations. Ask for guidance on how you can help bring about that which you are passionate about, for example: racial justice, a green new deal, justice and respect for all beings. There is so much to be done in this pivotal time. Let's do it together with joy and creative juiciness.

You matter, as does your voice.

Attune to your heart and listen. Be open to receive.

If you are looking for additional suggestions for creating ritual & ceremony, check out Healing Magic: A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living!

Robin Rose's Visioning Tea

1/2 cup of Ginkgo biloba leaves

1/4 cup of Artemisia vulgaris leaves (optional: with flowers)

1/8 cup Roses - red (or pink)

Pour one quart of boiled water over

dried herbs and let them sit for one hour or so.

This delicious tea will add its magic to your meditation and ritual.

Check your inbox for a newsletter on election day featuring a healing ritual we can all do for America

(and by association the world)!

All my classes for the rest of the year are ONLINE, and available by

recording afterward if you can't attend in real time.

Check out my website for a full listing of events and classes.

Join me for Herbs For the Nervous System

November 16 @ 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM EST

Get your tickets HERE!

Love and Green Blessings,

Robin Rose



Healing Magic Rituals for America


Big Little Herbal Tips: Tulsi