Featured: "Herbal Secrets from the Green Witch of NY"

So thrilled to have my interview with Meryl Ann Butler featured on OpEdNews today!

"We humans have so much more creative juice than we realize. Our intentions create our lives and so the more conscious we become in making our choices, the more we can shape our individual lives and attend to the reclaiming and healing of our world. Most people today are fearful for the continuation of our species and for good reason, but the solutions aren't going to be solely technological. They are going to come from everyday people re-engaging with our surroundings and with one another, sharing our natural compassion and generosity.

No one knows where it our altruistic nature comes from, but it is undeniable. We care about one another. We care about whales, about the oceans, about the ozone layer. We need to feel empowered to effect change. When we partner with nature, through plants and through acknowledging the cycles of the sun and the moon that guide us, magic happens. This is the most empowering and readily accessible source of strength I have discovered thus far."

Click through for the full interview... and delicious garlic honey recipe!

Blessed Samhain



One more Sassafras post for the season…


Been gone Sassafras harvesting!!