My offering to welcome back the faeries on Beltane Eve

It was the last night in April and I put together my offering for the faeries; it was Beltane eve. I did my best to create a plate as delightful, beautiful, and magical as possible. When I was done, I put on my shimmering blue slicker, a rather fairy-like raincoat as it happens, and walked up into the woods in the rain to the oak tree that is one of their portals.
I left the offering for them moments before midnight.

Across the wheel of the year, at Samhain/Halloween, I leave a plate for my ancestors, full of traditional foods and drinks that they enjoyed, and I place that offering at a triple crossroads. Where the faeries get rich, creamy raw milk and rose honey, my ancestors get vodka and dark pumpernickel bread. To each their own, I say!
And Everyone gets dark chocolate!

(Originally posted as a newsletter 5/5/20. If you are not signed up for my newsletters, signup here!)

Hello Friends!
Merry May!

The Wheel of the Year keeps on turning.
The world is in a messy "moment" and yet the
Universe is working perfectly; it always has,
and always will.
Nature is adaptable, and we are part of Nature.

The Wheel of the Year refers to the eight Earth holidays
that are transition points.
They are akin, energetically, to gates that swing open for a "moment".
Beltane, the sexiest of the (Celtic) Earth holidays, offers us
A portal into creativity, flowering fecundity,
And playful FUN, no matter our age!

This time is traditionally seen as the time that the Faeries come back
To Earth from the Otherworld. They return to us on Beltane,
bringing juicy and mischievous Magick with them,
and they'll leave us again on Samhain/Halloween and return to the Otherworld
from whence they came.
Did 'ja know? Indigenous women elders I've had the good fortune to sit and listen to
have referenced the existence of the faerie folk, too ...
Just sayin'.

On Beltane, Fires are lit and jumped over, libations are poured,
The sexy goings-on of the people are not only for anyone and everyone to enjoy,
Solo or in any permutation of partnership,
But to engage the fertility of the Earth and ensure
An abundant harvest come summer and fall!


The time we are in offers us a portal to step through
Into a new and unified commitment to creating a healthy,
sustainable, respectful way of living on our planet.
An invitation that insists we take a stand, now,
refusing to allow any government or institution
To continue to say "No" to the will of the majority of people
Everywhere on our planet.

To help us gather our energy and endure,
we need to cultivate determination and a clear vision,
Not only of what we are rejecting, but of what we are
Saying YES to, what we are creating.
Playfulness and Joy will sustain us through difficult times.
It's Merry May, Go out and Play.

An old ditty that makes me smile says:
Hooray Hooray
The first of May
Sex outside begins today!

For more information about transition points:
Healing Magic : A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living - 10th Anniversary
by Robin Rose Bennett


I have been posting short informative videos
on my YouTube Channel
with information and inspiration for this stressful time
we are navigating.

While you're there, check out and subscribe to my Plant Medicine Series for more in-depth information on common medicinal plants that you can collaborate with for your health - plants are here for us, as well as for the health of our land, water, air, animals, birds, and even other plants.

Green Blessings,
Robin Rose~*~


Self-Care Brings Personal Healing and Strengthens Us All


Let's Make Every Day Earth Day!