Upcoming Events Moon Wisdom & Soups, Syrups and Infusions

(Originally posted as a newsletter 10/6/21. If you are not signed up for my newsletters, signup here!

Moon Wisdom & Soups, Syrups and Infusions for Strengthening Immunity

Hello Friends!

I had the golden opportunity to offer three outdoor classes last week!

I guest-taught for Midsummer Farm's herbal medicine program. Barbara Laino grows and sells so many kinds of plants it makes my head spin (in the best possible way) and she offers short and long courses including a year-long permaculture series. We all had a great afternoon, meditating with an oak tree, gathering motherwort, singing as we made an infused vinegar with motherwort’s bitter, yet still green and vibrant autumn leaves, and exploring life’s mysteries through the teachings of the plants. I also gave two weed walks at the Laurelwood Arboretum. We smudged, sang, meditated with plants, and folks learned identification skills and a number of ways to use common weeds for food and medicine. Thanks to Jennifer Leonard for sharing your photos.

Earth connection is the most healing path I know.

I’m excited to be offering a teaching on Moon Cycle wisdom and moon rituals.

Join me on October 7 from 7-9pm. Register HERE!

And I’ll be back at the NY Open Center, teaching an online three week class on a most important and empowering topic, herbs to strengthen our immune systems. This one is called: Herbal Syrups, Soups, and Infusions for Strengthening Immunity and I will share tried and true recipes and tips on how to stay or get healthy, including respiratory and digestive support for staying well. As always, we'll delve into the spiritual gifts of the plants, opening ourselves to receive them in this present moment of intense transition/transformation.

Open to the wisdom of the plants.
Learn how to use them wisely. Ingest and imbibe them more regularly,
including as a daily way of life. Your health will blossom, and so will your joy!

Green Blessings and love,
Robin Rose


Herbal Syrups, Soups, and Infusions for Strengthening Immunity


It’s Autumn Equinox Let’s Go on an Autumn Weed Walk and Meet Goldenrod!