Spring is in the air! Join me for Ritual, Free Summit & Spring Tonic

(Originally posted as a newsletter 3/16/21. If you are not signed up for my newsletters, signup here!


Spring is in the air! Join me for Ritual,

Free Summit & Spring Tonics for Rising Energy

Hello Friends!

Happy Spring...the season of green blessings!

May your heart sing your unique song!

May we dance and dream together to invoke and evoke the world we know is possible.


Friday, March 19 @ 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM EDT

A replay will be available if you are not able to attend the live ritual.

Register HERE!

Spring is the season of rebirth and renewal! As the earth warms and sap continues rising in the trees, our vitality is called to awaken. We’ll gather together to foster our renewal through imbibing a delightful ritual tea then taking a trance journey to engage the energy that is stirring within us, just under the surface; we’ll invite it to emerge!


March 18 - March 22

My session is March 21, 2021, 1:30pm EDT

Please join me!

Free Plant Spirit Herbalism Summit:

On Connecting with Plant Consciousness and the Healing Wisdom of Nature.

Join me for this free online event, held from March 18th - 21st, 2021 (equinox weekend) It includes an amazing lineup of 30+ expert speakers from diverse backgrounds with a depth of wisdom to share about the ways that herbal plant consciousness and the healing wisdom of Nature are both accessible to all and available to support us in this pivotal time.

Equinox means Equal (Equi) nights (nox) and refers to the two times a year when day and night are of equal length and therefore, light and dark are poised in perfect balance.

The earth, and consequently everyone living here, revolves around the sun. Just as the moon revolves around the earth and helps unite us all psychically, the sun helps unite us physically. The solar holidays have the power to unite humanity, because whether we meet in small or large groups, in public places or at home with our families, these natural holy days are highly visible, like the sun, and belong to all of us, equally.

This year we will meet for ritual via Zoom.

At Spring Equinox, in the east of the wheel, the sun crosses the celestial equator moving north. The day and night are in perfect equipose: All over the world on [this] day, they are of equal length. What was conceived in the darkness of winter is now born. Newborn life is fragile and vulnerable, yet pulses with the vital power of the life force within. The first sprouts are peeking up out of the earth.

After Saturday, the days will be longer than the nights.

Ritual Suggestions

Element: Air

Colors: Lilac, green, pink, pale yellow, and sky blue

Smudge herbs: Lavender flowers, sweet grass, sweet white clover

Herbs for tea: Blue violet leaves, oat tops, nettle leaves with spearmint, red clover blossoms

Meditation: Feed your ageless soul by meditating on your own rebirth tonight

Personal growth question: How am I birthing what I conceived at Winter Solstice? What am I rebirthing in myself and in my life?

Activity: Paint Spring Equinox eggs. Eggs are an ancient fertility symbol. Decorate the altar with them. Let the little child in you come out to play.

(Excerpt from “Healing Magic: A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living”)

Coming up next!


March 22 @ 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM EDT

Register HERE!

Spring is the season of rebirth, for us and the earth!

Robin Rose will share herbal recipes for strengthening the immune system, stamina-building herbal syrups, uplifting teas, simple tinctures, and delicious oxymels where herbs, vinegar, and honey are combined in zesty recipes that can be used as herbal medicine and as healing additions to your meals.

All my classes are ONLINE, and available by

recording afterward if you can't attend the live class.

Love and Green Blessings,

Robin Rose



Spring Has Sprung - Green Witch Activism, Herbal Antibiotics & Sacred Ceremony


Free Plant Spirit Herbalism Summit - You’re invited!