Spring Equinox Rituals

At Spring Equinox, in the east of the wheel, the sun crosses the celestial equator moving north. The day and night are in perfect equipose: All over the world on that day, they are of equal length. What was conceived in the darkness of winter is now born. Newborn life is fragile and vulnerable, yet pulses with the vital power of the life force within. The first sprouts are peeking up out of the earth. 

Spring Equinox is the peak of the power of birthing creativity into form --- an opportunity to increase your energy and outward thrust so that you birth your dreams into the material world. 

After today, the days will be longer than the nights. 

Ritual Suggestions

Element: Air 

Colors: Lilac, green, pink, pale yellow, and sky blue

Smudge herbs: Lavender flowers, sweet grass, sweet white clover 

Herbs for tea: Blue violet leaves, oat tops, nettle leaves with spearmint, red clover blossoms

Meditation: Feed your ageless soul by meditating on your own rebirth tonight.

Personal growth question: How am I birthing what I conceived at Winter Solstice? What am I rebirthing in myself and in my life? 

Activity: Paint Spring Equinox eggs. Eggs are an ancient fertility symbol. Decorate the alter with them. Let the little girl or boy in you come out and play. 


Earth Day 2018


A Time for New Beginnings