Sacred Cycles - Everyday Herbal Medicine & Moon Rituals

(Originally posted as a newsletter 3/9/21. If you are not signed up for my newsletters, signup here!

Accessible Herbal Medicine & A New Moon Circle

Hello Friends!

A woman’s cyclical transformations continue throughout her physical life

as she goes through the life cycle stages of Maiden, Mother, and Crone.

She begins as:

She who is born with the eggs of future generations already in her ovaries, and grows into:

She who bleeds from between her legs every month and does not die, becoming:

She who can birth new life and make milk out of her own body, and who must create—though not necessarily a child—and then matures into the full expression of herself as a woman of power:

She who holds her wise blood within, circulating and using that potent creative energy as she sees fit.

Women are the “mothers of the creative force,” a phrase I first learned from Native American Wise Women. Phases of the moon and rhythms of the oceans’ tides move inside us, within our bellies. Moon goddesses the world over, from Ix Chel to Artemis, teach women to honor their bodies as sacred.

You can, for example, come to experience your increasingly rounded premenstrual or menopausal belly as waxing like the moon. You can honor your belly and yourself as big and round rather than merely judging your condition as “bloated” or “fat.” Let yourself take up space. You can see yourself as embraced by the full moon when you are round with pregnancy, and also when you are laboring on a creative project. You mother it, feeding it with your time, money, and passionate devotion as you would mother your child with the blood of your womb and the milk of your breasts when you are pregnant or nursing.

(Excerpt from “Healing Magic: A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living”)

Join me TONIGHT!


Tuesday, March 9th 6 – 8 pm EST

Register HERE by 4PM tomorrow!

Does herbal medicine conjure up ideas of arcane lore and smelly potions? Or, perhaps images of rows of commercially prepared bottles of supplements and herbs with long names and high price tags?

Herbal medicine doesn’t have to be that way.

It is the people’s medicine and is as close to you as the onion in your pantry that can relieve ear pain, or pull out an infected splinter! Or the home-made tincture or salve available at your local apothecary! Or the wild dandelion leaf in your lawn that can help keep your blood pressure in healthy bounds by strengthening your kidneys! Come hear stories of real healing with common plants, trees and wildflowers.

A cup of tea, a foot or body bath, herbal vinegars… we’ll explore accessible herbal medicine for everyday concerns.

Let’s gather Friday to set an intention!


Friday, March 12th 6 – 7:30 pm EST

Register HERE!

I have been setting an intention to follow during each moon cycle for over 30 years now!

This spiritual practice is as life-enhancing as herbal medicine; following the cycles of the moon is an essential part of reclaiming our lives. In our solar-oriented, hierarchical culture (day vs night, white vs black, male vs female), we are missing the guiding feminine wisdom of the moon; she moves the tides in the oceans, in our wombs, and in our psyches. Deepening your relationship with the moon transforms how you view time and how you live your life.

I will share moon wisdom teachings, herbs for intuitive wisdom,

and a meditative new moon journey. All are welcome.

Love and Green Blessings,

Robin Rose



Free Plant Spirit Herbalism Summit - You’re invited!


Green Witch Magic for Social Justice!