Magic Chant to FREE FIRE CIDER

How did onions, garlic, ginger, horseradish, cayenne, apple cider vinegar and sometimes honey come to be at the forefront of a stand for freedom?

It's quite a story. And it is unfolding right now. If you're not familiar, here's the scoop.

I have created this 'magic chant' to help change the energy towards a more positive outcome for Fire Cider (i.e. to help free it from trade mark restrictions).

Would you please join us in chanting it either 3 or 9 times once a day for the next few days? It only takes about 1 minute of time, and it's really quite magical when the intoning begins. Yesterday with a small group of herbalists, we chanted it for the first time...and we felt the magic! Together, with our hearts as one, we can make a difference ~


May the love of community supersede greed

and the name FIRE CIDER now be freed

and the greatest good of all be served

~Blessed Be ~


A Video - Robin Rose Reading Her New Poem


Winter Solstice: Conceiving Rebirth