Looking into the Mirror of Nature...

The medicinal blessings of the plant people begin with their more obvious physical gifts. When we are in need of those gifts, we are surely grateful to have access to them, whether comfrey is being applied as a poultice to help heal a sprained ankle, or someone is sipping a cup of rosemary tea to prevent or soothe a migraine headache.

But plant medicine runs deeper than physical constituents; plants are more than the sum of their visible parts, they are multi-dimensional, and their spiritual medicine is revealed within and just underneath their physical attributes.

In this conversation with Nature's Evolutionaries, we’ll explore ways to see and access the metaphorical, spiritual magic of common plants and trees as well as ways to connect with these gifts in a grounded way. As we learn to embody the teachings of the plants we become empowered to offer ever more joyful service at this pivotal time in our world.

Metaphorical Medicine Gifts of the Plants and Trees

Watch the recorded teleseminar with Nature Evolutionaries here.

Green Blessings and love,
Robin Rose


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