In(ter)dependence Day & more

Wishing everyone a happy long weekend of celebrating not only your independence (Use it! Free your Mind, the rest will follow!) , but also your interdependence with all the physical life forms and archetypal, elemental energies on Earth and in the Universe/You-niverse!

Remember: All plants are consciousness altering...we grow them in our gardens but they grow us when we take them into ourselves as food, medicine, or even simply by inhaling their lovely scents. Plants and trees know who they are and help you remember who you are!

Moving backwards in time, here's what I was gathering near the end of May...fantabulous pink cherry blossoms that support calming of the nerves and a joyful spirit. They also taste divine made into an infused vinegar or honey.

Right now it's all about linden and elder blossoms in my world!! maybe I'll get those pics up in another month or so ; )

And a heartfelt "thank you" to all who have written to tell me how you are enjoying and finding benefit in my newest book, The Gift of Healing Herbs. I'd be grateful if you take the time to put your praises for the book up online at:




Join us in the Native and Wild Green Medicine Garden!


Free webinar this week + excerpt from The Gift of Healing Herbs