Happy Winter Solstice!
(Originally posted as a newsletter 12/15/20. If you are not signed up for my newsletters, signup here!
Celebrate the magical rhythms of nature that
unite us all, whatever your spiritual tradition!
Hello Friends!
Here's something that might surprise you...
When I was growing up one of my heroes was
The great inventor Thomas Alva Edison.
When I was in elementary school we went on a
field trip to his workshop in Menlo Park ~
his imagination and creativity inspired and excited me!
I felt amazed and proud that he had worked in NJ,
the same state in which I lived!
He said: "When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this -
You haven't."
This is wise counsel at any time, but especially now when
chaos is abundant and so many people are ...
I hope you will join me and my friends in our juicy Winter Solstice Ritual Celebration this Saturday night, the famed Saturn/Jupiter conjunction begins this day and is exact on Solstice, ushering in wildly new possibilities!
This is a time to engage your creative imagination as never before!
As we transform ourselves, we transform our world.
We can only do it together, and it will not be easy, so I say,
let's have as much fun doing it as we possibly can!
Winter Solstice Ritual suggestions:
Element: Earth Colors: Black, red, and white
Smudge herbs: Sandalwood, cinnamon powder, cedar leaves,
frankincense, myrrh gum, copal
Herbs for tea: Hawthorn berries, rose hips, or elder berries with pine needles; elder blossoms with roses; ginger with hibiscus and cinnamon
Meditation: Meditate on the gift of rest, deep darkness, quiet time, and sleep.
Take the time to reflect, think, feel, and vision.
Personal-growth question: What aspect of myself am I conceiving?
What spark of my life am I nurturing within the fertile darkness? How can I help myself be who I came here to be?
Activity: Curl into a fetal shape to meditate, and when you light your candle afterward, light it to remember to nourish and nurture this tender new aspect of yourself that you have conceived.
(excerpt from "Healing Magic: A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living")
Join me in celebration!
This series is ONLINE and available through the New York Open
Center by recording afterward if you can't attend in real time.
Saturday, December 19th 7-9 PM EST
Get your tickets HERE!
Join me in a virtual community gathering to celebrate the Solstice - the shortest day and longest night of the year. We'll invoke sacred space and turn the Wheel of the Year with movement, music, story, and candle lighting. Rest and dream in the deep darkness of this night. Journey within to conceive the authentic spark of your unique light and life, call forth the inner gifts you wish to rebirth. As the sun moves into the sign of Capricorn, we are all entering a global initiation and rebirth into
The age of Aquarius.
Thursday, December 17th 6 - 8 PM EST
Part of the Bloom webinar series | $11.11*/month
Register HERE!
We will explore how the mysterious nervous system holds the ultimate key to our health. Neurons exist virtually everywhere in our bodies and are messengers coordinating the working relationships throughout our mind, body, heart, and soul. Herbs are generous healers; garden sage, oat straw, lavender, basil, St John's wort, and more can help address pain, nerve damage, inflammation, anxiety, depression, headaches, and more. Caring for and about yourself is an essential part of bringing healing to your community-as you take the time to care for yourself with kindness, you bring more loving kindness into our world.
Bloom is a monthly subscription webinar series.
Click here to find out more.
*special price
Love and Green Blessings,
Robin Rose