The Lion-Hearted Herb

Motherwort – Leonurus cardiaca

Motherwort is still blooming where I live and is a plant I wouldn’t choose to live without. This weed is not only beautiful, but a highly effective calmative for the nervous system. She soothes the heart emotionally when rage, frustration, anxiety, or unreasonable fear threatens your peace of mind and heart. She is an ally when overwhelming emotion renders you incapable of loving communication with yourself and others. 10-25 drops of motherwort tincture in water or tea is a reliable remedy for these and many other challenges including irregular heartbeat, pre-menstrual tension, menstrual cramps, menopausal irritability, activist burnout, teenage hormonal angst or despair, and mommy or daddy overwhelm. You can repeat doses as needed until you achieve the desired result.

I tincture the entire above ground parts of the plant, including the deep red stalks, bitter green leaves and furry pink-to-purplish flowers. Motherwort is a bitter mint that helps the belly and digestion, especially elimination, and helps you digest the bitter along with the sweetness of life. I made an extra ½ gallon of motherwort this year to be able to continue to support the herbal clinic in Haiti where thousands of people are still dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder since the earthquake as well as the ongoing trauma of extreme poverty with lack of support. Gentle, yet powerful motherwort is an ally for the worst of times and for everyday anxieties. She strengthens the nervous system as she calms the heart and has been considered an herb of longevity and even immortality in China and Japan. Motherwort can even help soothe you while you regain your zest for life if you feel like you’ve lost it. Put some flowering stalks in water in a vase and let her powerful, yet gentle presence bring peace into your home.


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