Registration for the International Herb Symposium is OPEN, and if you register by Tuesday, February 28th, and enter the code IHSSAVE75, you’ll save $75 off your admission?!?
**And they’re offering a split-payment option this year too!
We were honored and grateful that almost 2000 participants joined us online for the 15th Annual IHS. More individuals were able to access teachings than ever before! At the same time, we’ve deeply missed getting to gather with you in person – which is why we’re very excited for the 16th International Herb Symposium which will be a hybrid event — taking place both online and in person at Wheaton College campus in Norton, MA, on June 9-11, 2023!
I am teaching 2 in-person classes:
Everything is Medicine – Herbal Medicine in Your Kitchen and Spice Rack
Strengthening your Immune System & Herbal Alternatives to Antibiotics
And 1 of those is also being offered as an online class:
Everything is Medicine – Herbal Medicine in Your Kitchen and Spice Rack