May 26-28 in Almond, WI
Featuring keynote speakers Robin Rose Bennett, Elena Terry and Rev Judith Laxer. Join us for a gathering of the feminine with a wide spectrum of acclaimed herbalists and speakers, pre-conference immersions, 50+ incredible workshops, plant walks, and topics including holistic immune support, storytelling, herbal traditions from around the world, wise woman ways, and much much more!
Robin will be speaking on:
Reconnecting with the Earth & Embodying Joy
It’s not always easy to feel joy in this time of relentless challenges in the world and in our lives. As we reconnect with our more than human kin, especially our allies, the plants, they help guide us through the "evolutionary chaos of now" to reclaim our natural state of joy. This enables us to birth the world of compassion and connection we know is possible. Plants heal through love, and so do we. Embracing the truth of our kinship awakens our Joy!
But there is still availability for the Pre-Conference Workshops
I am offering a pre-conference intensive on Friday, May 26th, from 9am-12pm - “Sacred Rituals for Healing”