Past Musings
Look to the Earth, Look to the Skies
We are in a potent time of transformation on so many levels at once! As above, So below!
This chaotic, evolutionary time is as personal as it is social—cultural—political.
We are doing our individual inner work with an eye toward personal and collective healing, uplifting ourselves, dedicating ourselves to the well-being of all.
Lammas & the Turn of the Wheel
The Wheel of the Year turns as we move through the eight Earth holidays that include the Solstices (Winter and Summer), the Equinoxes - Fall and Spring, and the cross quarter holidays of Imbolc, Beltane, Samhain and Lammas.
Caring for Ourselves and the Earth
As I write this the sun and the moon are both in the astrological sign of Cancer. One of the teachings this provides us is the reminder that nurturing and prioritizing taking good care of yourself is far from selfish. It is wise and health-promoting to care about your own well-being. It is also kind.
Summer Wishes, Intentions, and Herbs, Oh My!
All Earth holidays are pivot points, times of power, when the gates swing open between the worlds of Spirit and Earth, openings that can lead to personal and social transformation. Summer Solstice brings the peak of the power of light — an opportunity to cultivate your dreams and desires. Let the light of Summer empower your inner-strength, self-acceptance, self-confidence, and courage.
Fire up your passion, ecstasy and joy!
There's more to Self-Love than masturbation — Beltane Recipes
It's that magical time of year... Merry May! An invitation to Beltane Bliss! The flowering of our fertile earth encourages us to rejoice in our sensuality and sexuality, to blossom and have fun!!
From Bee Stings to Covid 19…
Healing weeds surround us everywhere. Whether we are in the city, suburbs or rural areas, wild food and medicines abound! Ask any gardener who tries to keep a pristine plot. Those pesky healers will show up amid the kale and broccoli, the lettuce and arugula, and among the planted roses and sunflowers, too.
Crazy Busy? Let’s Talk About Time…
It’s that gorgeous time of year when the cultural and religious holidays, Passover and Easter, occur. They respectively invite people to celebrate freedom and rebirth as families and friends gather together. Both holidays grew out of older Earth holidays, some of which are still celebrated today, such as Charshanbe Suri, the Persian/Iranian fire jumping festival that welcomes the spring season.
The Goddess is Rising… And We are Rising with Her
Now it is nearly spring equinox in this part of the world and the plants are rising, our energy is rising, and the Goddess is rising, too. She has been returning to us, or rather to our conscious awareness over at least the past half century, though of course She never actually left.
A Reflection on Reconnecting With the Earth
If I could sing the opening of this, I would start with a chant that I've spontaneously opened or closed presentations with when I felt called to do so:
"We Are One, With the Soul, Of the Earth, Mother Earth"
Let’s Talk About Love… the day AFTER Valentine’s Day
If you like to celebrate Valentine’s Day, and for you it is simply a sweet reminder to openly state and show your love for the one(s) you adore, then good for you, Enjoy it!
If you are flying solo and happy to be in love with yourself and want to get yourself a Valentine’s gift or make yourself a special meal, then good for you, Enjoy it!
Valentine’s Day is the outgrowth of the older and arguably more fun pagan holiday called Lupercalia that was more openly about lust and sex…
Imbolc Blessings, Rituals & Recipes
Wishing you all a magical Imbolc...whatever you conceived at Winter Solstice now quickens inside the dark womb of the Goddess within you, She lives inside each of us (regardless of our gender identities). Imbolc can be translated as: “In the belly...”