Past Musings

videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Plant Medicines Series: Plantain

Here is our second video in the new Plant Medicines Series; each one features a local medicinal plant and includes tips on identification, harvesting and uses. Wherever you live, there is medicine under your feet! Now I'd love to introduce you to my dear friend, plantain!...

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

Intro to Robin Rose's New Plant Videos

In the summer we shot a series of plant videos for you in the garden and among the wild weeds. We hope you enjoy these videos, learn from them, and are inspired to get out and get wild, even in your own backyard!In each short video Robin Rose is focused on sharing one amazing medicinal plant with you. This first video, shot in the medicine wheel and gardens, is an introduction to the series. You can also watch it on Youtube here: Intro to Robin Rose's New Plant Videos...

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videos Robin Rose Bennett videos Robin Rose Bennett

A Video - Robin Rose Reading Her New Poem

2016 will be the year of videos! We'll be launching a new plant video series starting in a couple of weeks! But first, here's something a little different. I wrote a new poem that I wanted to share. You can also watch it on Youtube here: Robin Rose Reading Her New Poem...

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