Outdoor Conferences and Online Classes
Dear friends,
I had a glorious weekend at the Black Walnut Botanical Conference, sharing knowledge, green blessings and the healing wisdom that comes to me daily through my relationship with our beautiful Earth and her green healers.
In my Keynote talk, Embodying the Teachings of the Plants in Evolutionary Times, the participants received drops of plantain tincture and the energy of the group changed to one of palpable presence as each person received their own message from this beautiful, humble healer who is always “looking up” and personifies/”plantifies”? being open and present.
Later, my apprentices gave each participant a small handful of white oak bark to hold and meditate with. Oak offers us the medicine of stability, physically and emotionally. One message I shared from Oak is:
Stand Your Ground
Root in Integrity
Rise in Love
Claim your space, your right to exist.
Get to know who you truly are.
Reach out to share your unique expression of love with others.
From humble plantain to the grand oak tree, every plant offers physical and spiritual teachings that can help us heal and grow. And as we grow and heal, we have more of ourselves to share with our families and communities to transform our world.
One of the teachings I shared in my class "Healing our Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Hearts” is this:
Joy is medicine for our hearts, along with herbs like hawthorn, linden and motherwort, along with movement and rest, our hearts thrive when we open to joy. As we cultivate our joy, it becomes a container large enough to hold our grief as well. Life is complex and so are we.
I also shared this, from my soon-to-be published Green Witch’s Pocket Book of Wisdom:
You Are Love Incarnate
Mostly we cover up our love with heavy protective overcoats. Strip off the overcoats of needing to look cool or smart, needing to be liked or in control, and little by little you will bask in the love that you truly are. And so will everyone around you!
I’m honored to have taught with so many other wonderful herbalists devoted to bringing healing to us all, and thrilled to have spent the entire weekend with some of my current apprentices as well as past apprentices who enjoyed surprising me there!
Here I am with Matthew Wood…
…and with my apprentices!
One of the big highlights of my weekend was getting to meet some of my online apprentices in real life! It always fills me with wonder and appreciation when online connections, especially students from my virtual classes and workshops, materialize in the physical. To grow a world-wide-web both online and offline makes me feel very hopeful for our technological future, and strengthens my understanding that interpersonal relationships and deep, soulful learning can take place anywhere, even when people are many miles away from each other.
Which is why I am inviting you to join a free online class I’m teaching with The Shift Network, “The Green Witch Way of Radical Self-Care: Connect With Our Plant Elders to Foster Self-Love, Healing & Community”, on August 23rd at 8:30pm EDT. You can claim your free spot here!
Plants can help you open up to self-love, self-healing, strength, and community. In these times when people are disconnected from nature and suffering more than ever from loneliness and all manner of mental health crises, we need only look to our elders in planetary times — the plants — for nourishment of our bodies and souls, and to help us feel more connected to our global community.
During this free class, I’ll share what it means to be a Green Witch — someone who respects plants as independent living beings and understands that while plants do provide us with medicines and healing, they don’t exist just for us. A Green Witch believes in the radical idea that plants have their own consciousness, and that all plants have the potential to alter your consciousness.
I’ll also guide you through a joyous song and meditation to help you connect with a favorite tree. It could be a tree from your childhood or another time in your past, or a current favorite tree.
When we spiritually connect with a tree, we open ourselves up to the love they have to offer us. As our love for trees and plants grows, we further open ourselves to loving all living beings on Earth, providing us with a powerful antidote to loneliness and isolation.
I hope you’ll join me! And if you can’t make the event LIVE, a recording link will be sent to you after the event, but you absolutely MUST secure your spot beforehand.
See you soon…
Green Blessings,
Robin Rose