A return to wholeness with your womb + the plants at the center

What does it mean to become fully yourself?

And how can the plants and your womb help with that?

These are questions that are not as straightforward as they seem.

Really, each of us carries our own unique blueprint and gifts that we can offer to the world. 

And beginning to connect with that inner knowing, the place inside you that whispers that you are more than just a cog in the wheel of societal expectations, can take time. 

Robin Rose Bennett brings together 35+ years of herbalism and a deep reverence for the magic of life itself to offer a generous dose of the wisdom she's gathered over time.

She shares about her own spiral of growth and becoming, her personal womb story throughout all of her phases, and what it can mean to be an elder in the world. 

And she brings the plants in, too. 

Listen to learn:

  • how herbalism can be an antidote to loneliness

  • why Robin Rose Bennett chose to embrace the term "green witch"

  • what a lifetime of herbal medicine can offer to your sense of belonging

  • about Robin Rose's new book, and some bibliomancy readings from it

  • how our relationships to our wombs can change dramatically over time

  • thoughts on the womb-heart connection

  • some herbs and recipes including motherwort, rosemary, mugwort + ginger


Practical Magic of Green Witch Wisdom


Nothing is a Distraction from Your Life — It is ALL Your Life — Loving All of it!